Use the below examples to control the shades
- “Alexa, open Bedroom“
- “Alexa, close Bedroom“
- “Alexa, set Bedroom to 50“
where “Bedroom“ is the device name or group name in the Alexa app.
When controlling a group, then you might need to remove anything other than the shades from the group (which do not support setting the %).
Please note that all the voice commands are handled by Alexa and the SOMA Connect does not have access to the wording to map it to the devices and target positions. The only thing the SOMA Connect gets from the Alexa is the device ID and target %. If Alexa tells that it does not understand or cannot execute the command then it means that it already fails on the Alexa side and there is not much the SOMA Connect can do about it.
Changes compared to the custom skill: Alexa Smart Home treats 0% as fully closed position and Alexa app uses the word "Opening" to describe the current position, e.g. Opening 0% is fully closed, Opening 100% is fully open. This is different compared to the custom skill where 0% meant fully open and 100% was fully closed.